

Jessica ran her first race and I couldn't be happier. This chick rocks. Always a stats girl in high school, never playing sports and then she killed it.  
 Pretty sure I am still asleep in this selfie but I had to go along with her. She is super excited and I was too.
My main man!

 Another medal added to the box. Time to sign up for Surf City in Feb. and OC in May. See you there!


Running in San Francisco will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my first marathon.  The whole fam-damily came to support me, the first iPhone came out in the brand new apple store in Union square and I threw up 10 times the night before the race. Going back with friends is always a different story. 
The race is now only a 1/2 marathon with a different course. We stay in cute hotels, go to the movies drink coffee all day and eat, a lot!

 We sight see and have the best time.

Till next time San Fran...


My feet love a good shoe, no minimalist here. I try and take good care of these babies, never allowing to many calluses and always painting my toes to make them look cute. These shoes are both amazing and well worth the price. Nikes at $240 and Asics at $160 which I am currently running in. 
Save up, sell something on Craigslist and bite the bullet, your feet, body and run will thank you.