


We all know Ms. Turlington loves her yoga but she has crossed over to the asphault. She is also way more than just a pretty face. My favorite quotes she says about running is "I just love being outside. Everybody keeps asking me if I've been on a permanent vacation because of my tan." But the kicker was when she said this, "It's almost like meditation for me. I've been a yoga practitioner for many years, and I didn't realize there was as much of a connection between long-distance running and my yoga practice. It's not so much that you empty your mind with complete silence and peace, but you do get a sense of being able to see your life and put some order to it. I think there are so many extra benefits to running besides the health ones that come from getting your heart rate up, sweating, and all that other good stuff." Go ahead, read the article and lace up those shoes.