

Health and wellness is just feeling good. For me, this starts with getting outdoors and just having fun with it. 



So, what do we think? It's scary, I have to admit, but things need to be shaken up around here. Need to get off this plateau and get lean, make this body a hot box and shed some winter weight. The top definition to understand for me was from Urban Dictionary.

The phrase If It Fits Your Macros (often abbreviated to IIFYM) refers to meeting the individual macronutrient needs relevant to one’s goals and then filling the remaining calories with foods of personal preference. Meaning, eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros.

What “eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros” means is basically, eat right, but don’t get all caught up in the whole ‘clean vs dirty’ food debate that seems to still go on. If you want to eat whole grain bread, oats, brown rice, etc. etc. Then do it. If you want to eat white bread, white rice, and pop tarts, as long as it fits in with your other macronutrients and your goals in terms of caloric intake then it isn’t going to make much of a difference in the long run. It all comes down to personal preference.
For me, this would be my macronutrient calculator:
Broken down below is if I were to have 3 meals a day:

Or, 4 meals a day, which is more likely:

This is another calculation from here

This would be a typical day of food for Heidi Powell. She says, "For instance, due to my goals, existing body type, workout routine, and wanting to put on some serious muscle mass, my coach has me eating 55% carbs, 25% protein, and 20% fat every other day, then 68% carbs, 20% protein, and 12% fat the other days. These ratios help me add lean muscle mass to my frame while keeping my body fat low!"
So basically, its different for each person and will need to be tweaked here and there. 

I love her and her husbands book and this works well in combination for carb cycling. "This is just a more DETAILED way to focus on your overall composition and goals. On high carb days, your macro goals may be set to 200g carbs, 120g protein, and 39g of fat, but on your low carb days, maybe you get 125g carbs, 120g protein, and 60g fat. Again, these numbers are just examples, but in short, carb cycling (like in Extreme Transformation) and macro tracking actually work synergistically for maximum results!"

Although this looks crazy and so much food, think I'm going to give it a try. We'll see...



Hunting Beach Surf City half marathon was the first Sunday of February, Super Bowl Sunday. That means…sleep, run and eat. My favorite kind of day. 
 Kids love the expos. We get free goodies, our race packet and people watching at its finest. 

 It was perfect timing when we saw Jeff on the side lines. He rode his bike with some neighbors to cheer us on. He's the best!
 Race day was sunny and beautiful along the coast. 
 This fireman ran the full in all gear raising money for kids. So inspiring what the body can handle. 
Till next race day!



Jessica ran her first race and I couldn't be happier. This chick rocks. Always a stats girl in high school, never playing sports and then she killed it.  
 Pretty sure I am still asleep in this selfie but I had to go along with her. She is super excited and I was too.
My main man!

 Another medal added to the box. Time to sign up for Surf City in Feb. and OC in May. See you there!


Running in San Francisco will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my first marathon.  The whole fam-damily came to support me, the first iPhone came out in the brand new apple store in Union square and I threw up 10 times the night before the race. Going back with friends is always a different story. 
The race is now only a 1/2 marathon with a different course. We stay in cute hotels, go to the movies drink coffee all day and eat, a lot!

 We sight see and have the best time.

Till next time San Fran...


My feet love a good shoe, no minimalist here. I try and take good care of these babies, never allowing to many calluses and always painting my toes to make them look cute. These shoes are both amazing and well worth the price. Nikes at $240 and Asics at $160 which I am currently running in. 
Save up, sell something on Craigslist and bite the bullet, your feet, body and run will thank you.



 I now remember why I loved this run after finding some pictures online.  
Love these girls and loved a free cupcake for after the run too! We did this run two years ago but I always love seeing their sweet faces. 

So after all these amazing pictures snapped from a video, ARE YOU READY?! I can't wait!